Handmade leather necklace ARMADILLO double face-2in1-reversible (black/red/cavallino) (2-in-1)

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TheArmadillo necklaceis reversible - you can wear it on both sides, making this a 2-in-1 item.
These lovingly handcrafted necklaces are made of best Italian leather and feature stainless steel chains.Stainless steel is hypoallergenic, durable, and does not fade or oxidize. TheArmadillo necklaceis reversible - you can wear it on both sides, making this a 2-in-1 item. The size is adjustable. It is very light and comfortable to wear. THIS NECKLACE WILL INSTANTLY MAKE ANY OUTFIT LOOK AMAZING! Materials: leather, stainless steel. Size: one size fits all. Cleaning:wipe it with a slightly damp cloth if it becomes wet or exposed to sweat, perfumes, lotions, etc. It can easily be polished with a jeweler's cloth, which will restore its beautiful shine and luster.                  order now

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